Monday 21 May 2007

Six Lights Off Green Scar -- Gareth L. Powell

The plot
FTL travel is achieved in roulette ships by jumping to a random point in space. A haunted and washed-up roulette pilot is lured by a story-hungry journalist's promise of enough money to retire into doing one last jump.

What I liked
I love the concept. Per aspera ad astra -- it's a rough road to the stars. No space travel without paying a price. The setting is vivid -- it calls to mind descriptions of rough towns in the Arctic circle. I liked the description of Kate -- it tells of a hard engineer who needs nothing from anyone, and then blam, hits you with something very soft and sensual.

What I learnt
I felt cheated by the ending -- maybe this is a problem with me, rather than with the story. I think it was because the story made me care a lot about the characters -- I'd invested quite a bit because I'd been learning about what drove them, where they were coming from, where they hoped to go; and I'd travelled with them through a terrifying experience. The story ends in a way that left me unsure what became of them -- I imagine nothing good, but there is a peep of a chance they might have survived. Perhaps this mirrors the experience of the roulette pilots.

I'm not sure if it's a bad thing to make readers feel cheated. I know the rules say you shouldn't, but at least it's a reaction. I am going to look out for other stories that make me feel this way and see if I can work out why it's happened.

The story could have ended in a different way to make me not feel cheated. I guess an act of self-sacrifice on the part of one character to save the other would have felt right -- but it wouldn't have left me wondering about the possibilities.

Six Lights Off Green Scar on Infinity Plus.
Gareth L. Powell's blog.


Barbara said...

I always feel cheated by a story if the setting is fantasy and the ending is somehow real-world-dreary (I'm thinking of Trudi Cannavan's "The Magician's Guild" in particular). I guess it has to do with wanting to escape the real world by reading and being thrown back into it by the story.

GLP said...

Thanks for the review. I'm sorry you felt cheated by the ending.